My Journey

My journey began 7 years ago when I struggled to find support for my daughter who was suffering from crippling anxiety, which started in the early years of primary school. People around her thought she was just shy and quiet and she would grow out of it.

As the years went by she became disconnected, especially at school. Watching the beautiful spark in her eyes fade with each passing day crushed us as a family. Endless school meetings, where it was clear they didn’t understand her needs. We found ourselves trapped in a vicious circle of dead ends, unable to find the support she needed.

Then lockdown happened.

I will never forget day one. She got her book to start work and I noticed her name was written on the front, but it wasn’t her handwriting.

This is where my journey with her began. It was heartbreaking to hear how being in school would trigger her anxiety and resulted in her losing all confidence. She felt like she couldn’t trust her own judgement anymore.

As the lockdown months passed, her confidence was starting to grow. However, once the prospect of schools starting to reopen, she started to regress. I could see her fear and anxieties creeping back. She was becoming more quiet and disconnected. It was then I made the decision to walk away from my 17 year corporate career and retrain. I wanted her to have the tools and support to start her post lockdown life with strength and positivity.

First steps to freedom

Through coaching and neuro linguistic techniques she began her journey of self discovery. Her improved awareness helped to identify the self sabotaging behaviours which were holding her back. The lack of confidence and self love she had for herself was all too clear.

Her self awareness and acceptance helped her to feel more comfortable in her own skin. It was when she started to achieve the goals she had set herself, the magic started to shine. She believed in herself. Negative thoughts were replaced with positive, beautiful and happy feelings.

I am proud to say my daughter has turned a corner and is enjoying being in school. There are still some difficult moments, but she is more confident in her own skin to approach them with a stronger and more focussed mindset.

Personal healing

On this journey I learnt so much about myself and about the inner wounded child I have carried with me. Understanding how this has influenced the decisions I have made both personally and professionally has given me greater clarity and acceptance. Freeing myself of guilt, regret and negativity has restored my own self belief and self worth. I feel excited to achieve my goals, without fear of guilt or judgement.

Everyone deserves to live each day with a positive mindset and feeling empowered!                                                                               

If you are reading this and resonate with any part of my story, remember you are not alone.

Get in touch, I would love to hear your story ♡