Overcome your obstacles through Coaching & NLP

♡ Rediscover your Confidence

♡ Relationships

♡ Career coaching

♡ Self Esteem

♡ Work/Life Balance

♡ Negative & self sabotaging behaviours

♡ Imposter Syndrome

♡ Lacking Motivation & Drive

♡ Coping with change

♡ Exam Stress

♡ Youth coaching

♡ Parent support

♡ Body confidence

♡ Repairing communication breakdowns - Mediation

♡ Burnout

♡ Goal setting

♡ Breaking down self limiting beliefs

♡ Indentifying life purpose

Your self discovery journey

Using insightful NLP techniques to free your mind from negative thoughts and distractions. Understanding what you need and want from life will provide you with greater clarity and focus. Shifting to a more positive mindset is the start of your journey to restoring self love and empowerment.

In this beautiful stage of your journey you will visualise and manifest the road map to a more fulfilled life. You will see what achieving your goal will look like and become aware of the barriers that are holding you back. Together we will break down any self doubting beliefs and replace them with a stronger, more motivated mindset.

Using your powerful strategies you are ready to start achieving your goals and living your beautiful and best life. I understand how new challenges can throw you off course, but you are not on this journey alone. I will be on hand to provide you with the support and motivation to move you through the tough moments.

What is Coaching & NLP?

What is coaching?

ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.

How can I benefit from coaching?

Coaching can help you to feel more empowered and motivated to achieve your life goals. If it is a dream you want to fulfil, moving on from a situation which has dominated your life or preparing for the next stage of your career, coaching can help you to achieve this.

What coaching isn’t?

Coaching is not counselling, therapy or mentoring. It does not focus on healing trauma from the past.

Coaching is focussed on the present and setting obtainable future goals to improve wellbeing and fulfillment.

What is NLP?

According to the ANLP a literal translation of the phrase 'Neuro Linguistic Programming' is that NLP empowers, enables and teaches us to better understand the way our brain (neuro) processes the words we use (linguistic) and how that can impact on our past, present and future (programming). It gives us strategies for observing human behaviour and learning from the best (and worst) of that!

How can I benefit from using NLP?

NLP can have a positive effect on every aspect of your life. It can be used to move forward with some specific challenge or issue, or can be used to make a positive difference to all areas of your life.

Simply put, change is possible - all you need is a desire to change and a willingness to learn new ways of being…with yourself, your thoughts and with others.

What NLP isn’t?

NLP is not counselling, psychotherapy or hypnotherapy. It uses techniques to help identify and replace negative and self doubting behaviours with a more positive mindset.

Want to find out more?

Book a discovery call and see how coaching can help you